Frank Carter & the Rattlesnakes – York Fibbers – 23/02/19

2019 was already lining up to be a huge year for Frank Carter & the Rattlesnakes (10). After their secret set at Reading & Leeds festival Frank made the promise that the new album is going to blow our minds. It’s only taken a month into the new year before Frank Carter &TR are kicking things off with a huge UK tour, and to make things even more exciting, it’s one of those intimate club tours that these guys can literally tear each venue to pieces.
It’s been a long tour across the UK and Frank himself has even been struck down with illness during the journey, but the final show of the tour is right here in York at the intimate Fibbers which is guaranteed to be a hectic show to close off the tour.
Frank & co squeeze onto the tiny stage amid the few hundred people packed into the venue and they get things moving instantly with their new single ‘Crowbar’ which has brought a lot of promise for the new material already. As any song by these guys it’s delivered with plenty of energy and is catchy as hell, so little persuasion is needed for the York crowd to get the pits moving throughout the night.

A more familiar ‘Wild Flowers’ follows before another new track is introduced in the set under the title of ‘Tyrant Lizard King’. Appropriately Frank Carter crowd surfs his way to the front of the room and scales the roof bars like a lizard king himself, before hanging upside down from it to finish off the song leaving security looking slightly worried. We’ll be honest, you can’t have a roof beam on full display in a venue if Frank Carter is coming, he’s definitely going to climb it at some point in the evening…
The set is crammed with Rattlesnakes biggest hits such as ‘Vampires’, ‘SnakeEyes’, and ‘Lullaby’ which all cause absolute madness within the room as expected, however there’s a generous amount of new material in the forms of ‘Kitty Sucker’, ‘Heartbreaker’ and ‘Anxiety’ which was delivered with a heartfelt message from the frontman addressing the difficulty him and others have with Anxiety highlighting how many people are truly effected by it.
‘Crowbar’ is thrown in the middle of the set for a second time, because fuck it, it’s the last night and it’s great live.

Usual chaos hits peak to close out the show as ‘Devil Inside Me’ has the room bouncing from front to back and crowd surfers (yup even from the stage) fly around the floor above moshing heads on the main floor. The support acts and crew members flood the stage for the last song of the tour and it’s the flattering ‘I Hate You’ which closes the set as usual with everyone shouting the slanderous lyrics back at the stage. It’s all great fun and banter and the band make the most of the last minutes of a huge tour before heading back to the dressing room to pop the champers.
What a way to kick off the year, and a perfect teaser of the new album ‘End Of Suffering’ to have us all left drawling in anticipation for its release.
It really is going to blow our minds…

Check out the full set of live photos from this show here!
Review & Photography: © Danny Peart Photography 2019