Uncle Acid and The Deadbeats take Leeds down Melody Lane

Blood Ceremony / Uncle Acid and The Deadbeats – Brudenell Social Club -16/01/19

Canadian rock exports Blood Ceremony (6) came out to the early punters. Launching into their own blend of flute flavoured metal rock. Singer Alia O’Brien has captivating voice and each member of the band clearly skilled at their individual instruments there is not much chemistry between them and the crowd. However those there who were enjoying were really enjoying it.

The stage is set and the nearly sold out Brudenell crowd are stirring. Uncle Acid and The Deadbeats (8) came out to a sold out crowd and lead by Uncle Acid himself Kevin Starr’s comes out shoulders slouched forward lunching straight into I See Through You off their latest album Wasteland.

Obviously the older favourite from their 2011 album Blood Lust go down very well with the mix of heavy metal and psychedelic music fans in the room.  Tunes like I’ll Cut You Down have the crowd al has everyone casually head banging. A small part of the crowd even sparked up for a lighthearted circle pit.

I have to say it Uncle Acid has some great guitar solo moves, pulling some amazing shapes. The debut track of their latest album Sex and Food, American Guilt showcases some of their more heavier inspirations the, the band sometimes fall between this hybrid of Electronic Dance music and 80s metal, but don’t get me wrong I am here for it.

They smashed through a lot of tracks and so many of the tracks have some amazing riffs, so few bands producing the early era of metals crunch guitar riffs and melodies so perfectly in the last years.. They are definitely one of those bands you know you are going to be listening to everyday for months after. The spooky more rockabilly track Dead Eyes of London gather a lot of support from the northern crowd

They come back out for the encore with Melody Lane, before finishing the night with No Return ending the song with a guitar solo and only Uncle Acid and rhythm guitarist Vaughn Stokes leaving the crowd not with a big boom but a more ethereal vibe.

Review & Photos: Amy Heycock


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